Blackberry, Lavender and Honey Compote

Because I firmly believe that compote should be eaten all throughout the year, and this seasonal mix is just absolutely delicious. Sharp blackberries, infused with the floral taste of lavender and sweetness of honey, it's really good.











  • 750g blackberries
  • 200ml lavender water (leave 2 sprigs of fresh lavender in a jug with 200ml hot boiling water for five minutes and stir)
  • 100ml water
  • 5 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 4 tbsp muscovado sugar
  • Additional: 1 tbsp cornflour, mixed with 2.5 tbsp water (for thickening)


  1. Wash the blackberries in a colander, and then place in a saucepan along with the lavender water, vanilla extract and 100ml of water. Gently simmer over a medium heat for roughly 10 minutes until the blackberries have slightly softened. (Make sure you are stirring constantly so that the compote doesn't burn.)
  2. Mix in the honey and muscovado sugar and simmer again, over a lower heat, for roughly 20 minutes until the mixture has thickened. (I like my compotes quite thick, so after this time I add an additional mix of cornflour mixed with water, but you don't have to do this if you don't wish to.)
  3. Leave the compote aside to cool and continue thickening (this should take roughly another 20 minutes). Spoon into jars and keep in the fridge, and serve with yoghurt, granola and a fresh drizzle of honey.